Wednesday, 21 February 2007

Premier's reading Challenge

Reading can be so much fun! As an initiative to create a passionate reading environment, the Victorian premier launched his reading challenge to all school children from grade 3 and up. It is an exciting challenge to encourage young and old children to read. Read with your child. Share the experience. If your child's school does not support the reading challenge, challenge them! Borrow books from your local library, your school library, visit bookshops, anything. But get reading! You only have to read 15 books to qualify!

Wednesday, 10 January 2007

It can be FUN!

Share the cooking experience with your son or daughter. Teach them to read recipes, measure ingredients. Show them learning is about enjoying time together and sharing. Never mind the chocolate icing on the face, or the dropped tomato. A good place to start is inexpensive packet cake mixes. Just add eggs, water, or milk. What fun! Great for school holidays.

The DADs have it!!

You can do it dad! For too long dads have missed out on the important, fun and happy activities of playing and sharing with their children. It is great to see these dads stepping up to the task, and doing a great job!

Be a Man.

Never be afraid to show your children that you love them. Hug them. Kiss them. Care for them. Live each day as though it may be the last one with those you love.

I love to read!

Spend time reading with your child regularly. Take books with you on picnics, to the beach, on visits, on the train or bus. Share about the stories. Ask your child questions.

  • What was their favourite part of the story?
  • Who was their favourite character?
  • Did they like the way the story ended?

Go to book reading at your local library. Enjoy the world of words!

Tuesday, 9 January 2007

Young Minds

Nurture those young minds.
Talk to them daily, about what you think, do, say and why you do these things.
Share your experiences, both work and pleasure.
Listen to them share often about what they watched on T.V., saw at the movies, read, who they played with and what the did that day.
Value their experiences so thay can appreciate yours.